




龙韬 教授


学科专业: 生物化学与分子生物学





2008 - 2012 中山大学,生命科学学院,生物科学,学士

2012 - 2017 中科院生化细胞所,生物化学与分子生物学,博士


2017 - 2022 美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心,分子遗传系,博士后

2022 - 2024 美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心,分子遗传系,资深研究专家

2024 - 至今 mk体育,教授,泰康生命医学中心,PI






1. Long, T. *, Li, D. *, Vale, G., Jiang, Y., Schmiege, P., Yang, Z., McDonald, J., Li, X. (2024) Molecular insights into human phosphatidylserine synthase 1 reveal its inhibition promotes LDL uptake. Cell, in press. (*co-first author)

2. Long, T. *, Zhang, Y. *, Donnelly, L., Li, H., Pien, Y.C., Liu, N., Olson, E.N. and Li, X. (2023) Cryo-EM structures of Myomaker reveal a molecular basis for myoblast fusion. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 30, 1746-1754. (*co-first author)

3. Long, T.#, Debler, E.W. and Li, X. # (2022) Structural enzymology of cholesterol biosynthesis and storage. Curr Opin Struct Biol, 74, 102369. (#corresponding author)

4. Long, T., Liu, Y., Li, X. (2021) Molecular structures of human ACAT2 disclose mechanism for selective inhibition. Structure, 29, 1410-1418.e1414.

5. Long, T. *, Liu, Y. *, Qin, Y., DeBose-Boyd, R.A. and Li, X. (2021) Structures of dimeric human NPC1L1 provide insight into mechanisms for cholesterol absorption. Sci Adv, 7. (*co-first author)

6. Sun, Y. *, Wang, J. *, Long, T. *, Qi, X. *, Donnelly, L., Elghobashi-Meinhardt, N., Esparza, L., Cohen, J.C., Xie, X.S., Hobbs, H.H. et al. (2021) Molecular basis of cholesterol efflux via ABCG subfamily transporters. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 118. (*co-first author)

7. Long, T. *, Sun, Y.*, Hassan, A., Qi, X. and Li, X. (2020) Structure of nevanimibe-bound tetrameric human ACAT1. Nature, 581, 339-343. (*co-first author)

8. Liu, R.J. *, Long, T. *, Li, H., Zhao, J., Li, J., Wang, M., Palencia, A., Lin, J., Cusack, S. and Wang, E.D. (2020) Molecular basis of the multifaceted functions of human leucyl-tRNA synthetase in protein synthesis and beyond. Nucleic Acids Res, 48, 4946-4959. (*co-first author)

9. Long, T., Qi, X., Hassan, A., Liang, Q., De Brabander, J.K. and Li, X. (2020) Structural basis for itraconazole-mediated NPC1 inhibition. Nat Commun, 11, 152.

10. Long, T., Hassan, A., Thompson, B.M., McDonald, J.G., Wang, J. and Li, X. (2019) Structural basis for human sterol isomerase in cholesterol biosynthesis and multidrug recognition. Nat Commun, 10, 2452.

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