夏宇尘 教授
学科专业: 病原生物学
研究方向: 医学病毒学
Email: yuchenxia@whu.edu.cn
2008年9月 – 2013年9月 博士
德国慕尼黑工业大学 专业: 医员工命科学技术 导师: Ulrike Protzer 教授
2005年9月 – 2008年7月 硕士
中国科学院武汉病毒研究所 专业: 生物技术与分子生物学 导师: 胡志红 研究员, 邓菲 研究员
2001年9月 – 2005年7月 本科
武汉老员工命科学学院 专业: 生物技术
2018年10月 – 至今 教授,博导
2014年10月 – 2018年9月 博士后
国立糖尿病消化及肾脏疾病研究所, 美国国立卫生研究院 导师: Dr. T.Jake Liang
2013年9月 – 2014年9月 博士后
德国环境健康研究中心 导师: Ulrike Protzer 教授
病毒感染严重威胁人类健康。本课题组主要从事乙型肝炎病毒和新型冠状病毒的研究。虽然乙肝病毒疫苗接种已经普及,全球仍然有接近3亿的慢性感染患者,其中三分之一的感染者在中国。由于缺乏有效的治愈的手段,患者死于肝硬化和肝癌的风险很高。本课题组主要从事乙型肝炎病毒和新冠病毒的基础和转化相关研究,目标是通过基础研究解决临床问题。目前课题组研究方向为:1.新型病毒感染动物模型的构建;2.病毒与宿主相互作用分子机制; 3.病毒致癌机制及靶向治疗; 4. 新型抗病毒药物筛选及机制研究;5. 干细胞精准医疗用于晚期肝病研究。
杂志审稿人:Science, Journal of Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Gut, Hepatology, eLIFE, Journal of Virology, Antiviral Research等。
本科生课程:《Infections and Immunity》《现代生物医学技术前沿》《病理生理学》《基础医学综合实验》《现代医学与健康》《Pathophysiology》
2021 Young Investigator Award, ISVHLD Global Hepatitis Summit
2019 Outstanding Medical Academic Young Talent, Hubei Health Commission
2019 Gilead Research Scholar, Liver Diseases Program Asia
2015 ILCA-Bayer Fellowship- awarded by International Liver Cancer Association
2015 Fellows Award for Research Excellence, NIH
2014 Visiting fellow award-Division of Intramural Research, NIH
2014 Best study of the year-German liver foundation award
2014 Best PhD thesis of the year 2013/2014 (Promotionspreis 2014), awarded by Society of Virology and German center for infection research.
2013 PhD awarded with "summa cum laude" ("with highest honor").
1. Zheng Y, Wang M, Li S, Bu Y, Xu Z, Zhu G, Wu C, Zhao K, Li A, Chen Q, Wang J, Hua R, Teng Y, Zhao L, Cheng X, Xia Y*.
Hepatitis B virus hijacks TSG101 to facilitate egress via multiple vesicle bodies.
PLoS Pathogens. 2023 May 24;19(5):e1011382.
2. Yi J, Lei X, Guo F, Chen Q, Chen X, Zhao K, Zhu C, Cheng X, Lin J*, Yin H*, Xia Y*.
Co-delivery of Cas9 mRNA and guide RNAs edits hepatitis B virus episomal and integration DNA in mouse and tree shrew models.
Antiviral Research. 2023 Jul;215:105618.
3. Li A, Zhang B, Zhao K, Yin Z, Teng Y, Zhang L, Xu Z, Liang K, Cheng X*, Xia Y*.
SARS-CoV-2 nsp13 Restricts Episomal DNA Transcription without Affecting Chromosomal DNA.
Journal of Virology. 2023 Jun 22:e0051223.
4. Zhao K, Guo F, Wang J, Zhong Y, Yi J, Teng Y, Xu Z, Zhao L, Li A, Wang Z, Chen X, Cheng X, Xia Y*.
Limited disassembly of cytoplasmic hepatitis B virus nucleocapsids restricts viral infection in murine hepatic cells.
Hepatology. 2023 Apr 1;77(4):1366-1381.
5. Zhong Y, Wu C, Xu Z, Teng Y, Zhao L, Zhao K, Wang J, Wang W, Zhan Q, Zhu C, Chen X, Liang K, Cheng X, Xia Y*.
Hepatitis B Virus Core Protein Is Not Required for Covalently Closed Circular DNA Transcriptional Regulation.
Journal of Virology. 2022 Nov 9;96(21):e0136222.
6. Xu Z, Zhao L, Zhong Y, Zhu C, Zhao K, Teng Y, Cheng X, Chen Q, Xia Y*.
A Novel Mouse Model Harboring Hepatitis B Virus Covalently Closed Circular DNA.
Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;13(4):1001-1017.
7. Teng Y, Xu Z, Zhao K, Zhong Y, Wang J, Zhao L, Zheng Z, Hou W, Zhu C, Chen X, Protzer U, Li Y*, Xia Y*.
Novel function of SART1 in HNF4α transcriptional regulation contributes to its antiviral role during HBV infection.
Journal of Hepatology. 2021 Nov;75(5):1072-1082.
8. Li A, Zhao K, Zhang B, Hua R, Fang Y, Jiang W, Zhang J, Hui L, Zheng Y, Li Y, Zhu C, Wang PH, Peng K, Xia Y*.
SARS-CoV-2 NSP12 Protein Is Not an Interferon-β Antagonist.
Journal of Virology. 2021 Aug 10;95(17):e0074721. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00747-21.
9. Liu R, Zhao L, Cheng X, Huan H, Li C, Li D, Liu A, Gao G, Zhou F, Liu F, Jiang Y*, Zhu C*, Xia Y*.
Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection - a Retrospective Study.
Liver International. 2021 Apr;41(4):720-730. doi: 10.1111/liv.14774.(封面文章,ESI高被引)
10. Han H, Ma Q, Li C, Liu R, Zhao L, Wang W, Zhang P, Liu X, Gao G, Liu F, Jiang Y, Cheng X, Zhu C*, Xia Y*. Profiling serum cytokines in COVID-19 patients reveals IL-6 and IL-10 are disease severity predictors.
Emerging Microbes & Infection. 2020 Dec;9(1):1123-1130.(ESI高被引)
11. Xia Y, Liang TJ. Development of Direct-acting Antiviral and Host-targeting Agents for Treatment of HBV Infection.
Gastroenterology. 2019 Jan;156(2):311-324.(ESI高被引)
12. Xia Y, Carpentier A, Cheng X, Block PD, Zhao Y, Zhang Z, Protzer U, Liang TJ. Human stem cell-derived hepatocytes as a model for hepatitis B virus infection, spreading and virus-host interactions.
Journal of Hepatology. 2017 Mar;66(3):494-503.
13. Xia Y#, Stadler D#, Lucifora J, Reisinger F, Webb D, Hösel M, Michler T, Wisskirchen K, Cheng X, Zhang K, Chou WM, Wettengel JM, Malo A, Bohne F, Hoffmann D, Eyer F, Thimme R, Falk CS, Thasler WE, Heikenwalder M, Protzer U.
Interferon-γ and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Produced by T Cells Reduce the HBV Persistence Form, cccDNA, Without Cytolysis.
Gastroenterology. 2016 Jan;150(1):194-205.(ESI高被引)
14. Lucifora J#, Xia Y#, Reisinger F, Zhang K, Stadler D, Cheng X, Sprinzl MF, Koppensteiner H, Makowska Z, Volz T, Remouchamps C, Chou WM, Thasler WE, Hüser N, Durantel D, Liang TJ, Münk C, Heim MH, Browning JL, Dejardin E, Dandri M, Schindler M, Heikenwalder M, Protzer U.
Specific and nonhepatotoxic degradation of nuclear hepatitis B virus cccDNA.
Science. 2014 Mar 14;343(6176):1221-8.(ESI高被引)