




程晓明 特聘研究员

 职称职务: 特聘研究员

 学科专业: 病理学

 研究方向: 医学病毒学,肝病分子机制




2003-2007 华中科技大学同济医学院生命科学与技术基地班 (生物药学方向),学士

2007-2009 华中科技大学同济医院生物化学与分子生物学,硕士

2009-2015 德国慕尼黑工业大学,博士


2015-2021 美国国立卫生研究院 博士后

2021-至今 mk体育 


肝脏是人体重要的代谢器官。肝炎病毒感染(HBV,HDV)可以在肝脏实质细胞建立慢性感染,引发肝硬化肝癌,严重威胁人类健康,但目前仍旧缺乏有效的治疗手段。本课题组的主要研究方向:1.病毒与宿主免疫系统的相互作用, 2.新型抗病毒靶点的鉴定与开发,3.肝癌发生的分子机制。 





2020 美国国立卫生研究院青年卓越研究

2015 美国国立卫生研究院访问学者奖学金

2014 欧洲肝病协会青年科学家奖


  1. Xiaoming Cheng, Takuro Uchida, Yuchen Xia, Regina Umarova, Chun-Jen Liu, Pei-Jer Chen, Anuj Gaggar, Vithika Suri, Marcus M Mücke, Johannes Vermehren, Stefan Zeuzem, Yuji Teraoka, Mitsutaka Osawa, Hiroshi Aikata, Keiji Tsuji, Nami Mori, Shuhei Hige, Yoshiyasu Karino, Michio Imamura, Kazuaki Chayama, T. Jake Liang. Diminished hepatic IFN response following HCV clearance triggers HBV reactivation in coinfection. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2020 Jun 1;130(6):3205-3220. doi: 10.1172/JCI135616.


  2. Xiaoming Cheng, Yuchen Xia, Elisavet Serti, Peter Daniel Block, Michelle Chung, Kazuaki Chayama, Barbara Rehermann, T. Jake Liang. Hepatitis B virus evades innate immunity of hepatocytes but activates macrophages during infection. Hepatology. 2017 Jun 30. doi: 10.1002/hep.29348.


  3. Xiaoming Cheng#, Marc G. Ghany. Key Milestones in HCV Discovery and Therapeutics. The Innovation, 2020, 1 (3) #co-corresponding author.


  4. Rui Liu*, Li Zhao*, Xiaoming Cheng*, Huan Han*, Cong Li, Dong Li, Andrew Liu, Guosheng Gao, Feng Zhou, Fang Liu, Yingan Jiang, Chengliang Zhu, Yuchen Xia. Clinical characteristics of COVID19 patients with hepatitis B virus infectiona retrospective study. Liver International. 2020 41 (4), 720-730 *co-first author

  5. Yuchen Xia, Martin Schlapschy, Volker Morath, Natalie Roeder, Elisabeth I Vogt , Daniela Stadler, Xiaoming Cheng, Ulf Dittmer, Kathrin Sutter, Mathias Heikenwalder, Arne Skerra, Ulrike Protzer. PASylated interferon α efficiently suppresses hepatitis B virus and induces anti-HBs seroconversion in HBV-transgenic mice. Antiviral Res. 2019 Jan;161:134-143. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.11.003. Epub 2018 Nov 12.


  6. Yuchen Xia, Xaioming Cheng, Yao Li, Kristin Valdez, Weiping Chen, T.Jake Liang. Hepatitis B virus deregulates cell cycle to promote viral replication and a premalignant phenotype. Journal of Virology. 2018 Jul 18. pii: JVI.00722-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00722-18.


  7. Yuchen Xia, Arnaud Carpentier, Xiaoming Cheng, Peter Daniel Block, Yao Zhao, Zhensheng Zhang, Ulrike Protzer, T. Jake Liang. Human stem cell-derived hepatocytes as a model for hepatitis B virus infection, spreading and virus-host interactions. J Hepatol. 2017 Mar;66(3):494-503.


  8. Yuchen Xia*, Daniela Stadler*, Julie Lucifora, Florian Reisinger, Dennis Webb, Marianna Hösel, Thomas Michler, Karin Wisskirchen, Xiaoming Cheng, Ke Zhang,Wen-Min Chou, Jochen M. Wettengel, Antje Malo, Felix Bohne, Dieter Hoffmann, Florian Eyer, Robert Thimme, Christine S. Falk, Wolfgang E.Thasler,Mathias Heikenwälder, Ulrike Protzer. Interferon-γ and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Produced by T cells Reduce the HBV Persistence Form, cccDNA, Without Cytolysis. Gastroenterology. 2016;150:194-205.


  9. L. W. Meredith, K. Hu, X. Cheng, C. R. Howard, T. F. Baumert, P. Balfe, K. F. van de Graaf, U. Protzer, J. A. McKeating. Lentiviral hepatitis B pseudotype entry requires sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide and additional hepatocyte-specific factors. J Gen Virol. 2016 Jan;97(1):121-7.


  10. Julie Lucifora, Yuchen Xia, Florian Reisinger, Ke Zhang, Daniela Stadler, Xiaoming Cheng, Martin F. Sprinzl, Herwig Koppensteiner, Zuzanna Makowska, Tassilo Volz, Caroline Remouchamps, Wen-Min Chou, Wolfgang E. Thasler, Norbert Hüser, David Durantel, T. Jake Liang, Carsten Münk, Markus H. Heim, Jeffrey L. Browning, Emmanuel Dejardin, Maura Dandri, Michael Schindler, Mathias Heikenwalder, Ulrike Protzer. Specific and Nonhepatotoxic Degradation of Nuclear Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA. Science 2014, Volume. 343, no. 6176 Page 1221-1228


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